Slide Nora Popova About me Nora Popova

Nora Ephron (one of my favourite authors) famously said “Everything is copy.” When you consider yourself a writer this can be exciting but also deeply terrifying. Especially when it comes to writing your own about page. Here we go – 


I am a writer with a background in Psychology and an obsession with “big words that mean something” as Jo March loves to say. I have a master’s in journalism from City, University of London and prior to that, I read Freud and Jung at Warwick.


I have sat on the editorial desks at Harper’s BazaarSunday Times StyleSunday Times WeekendGrazia and VICE and my work has been published in Town & CountryReader’s DigestELLEVICE and CNN.


I am a self-improvement junkie forever updating my definition of what ‘improvement’ actually means. It used to be forcing myself to read the New Yorker and obsessive productivity. These days it’s more learning to feel my feet on the ground and trying to uproot non-serving beliefs from my subconsciousness.

In my blog I combine my two passions – that of writing and that of helping myself and others feel enough in this modern world which continually tries to persuade us otherwise. I am always fervently searching for the way to our happiest, most authentic selves and To Reality.

I am thrilled that you’re here.

With Love,N.