Slide To Reality with love “We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality. “
- Iris Murdoch
Welcome About

A love letter to the strangers that I know

This is for the ones who have raced with their thoughts and wrestled with their mind For the ones who know peace lies within but have been through madness For the ones who've wished to

An ode to my hair

Why did I wash my hair Why have I got nothing to wear? On some days my zen is at rest I am angry, a flame to my zest   Blame myself for world hunger and wish I was


What is my purpose?

The Gift of You It’s a quarter to nine in the morning and I am waiting for the District line train to Wimbeldon. It will arrive in 2 minutes and I am ready to


Искам да лежа по корем на брега и да се оставям на вълните да достигат раменете ми. Искам да усещам мокрия пясък под свода си. Искам да харесвам музиката, която слушаш, а ти да ме